Disconnected in a Connected World

In today’s connected world, are we really that connected? I say that because I enjoy just watching people be people, and I observe with a great intent to understand. While it appears we are connected by various technologies, it appears to me that we miss out on a lot of life’s unexpected experiences by sticking with what is comfortable, such as listening to music we commonly listen to using an iPod or talking to people we normally talk to using a cell phone. I must admit I have done the same thing with email and blogging to keep in touch with those back home when I am away from home, but what are we missing as we indulge in our connectness.

Then, we go out with some friends, yet we talk to other friends more via the cell phone during the course of the evening than the friends in front of us. Can we not just enjoy the company of the people we are around physically without having to be mindfully and electronically connected to others in our life? Have we become so connected that we are actually disconnected in more ways than we realize?

Cannot Believe Everything You Read

It is sad but true. You cannot believe everything you read. A lot of the times, it is probably just ignorance on someone’s part. At other times, it can be intentional as some skew the facts for a more exciting story.

I am not sure what happened with the latest story from Computer Business Review, but it appears the facts about Access’ intentions for the Palm OS were grossly misrepresented. In fact, the story was actually withdrawn from the Internet.

Thus, we can rest assured that the Palm OS will continue. It will not continue in its present form, but it will continue. You can read more about the incident at Brighthand.

Trip Boss Birthday

It’s looks as though Trip Boss is turning a year old in 2005. To celebrate the occasion, Creative Algorithms has joined forces with Palm247 and PalmAddicts to bring you a birthday celebration. In addition, they are hosting a contest to give someone a chance to win a device of his/her choice. For more details, check out all the information over at Creative Algorithms.

The Perfect Mobile Device – A Myth

In the mobile world, there are only so many things you can fit into a device. As a customer, there always seems to be some compromise you have to make when determining what device to buy. Maybe the device is a little bigger than you would like. Maybe it has a camera that is not allowed by your workplace. Maybe it is missing Bluetooth or WiFi. Maybe it does not have enough memory. Of course, the list can go on and on and on.

This really is apparent to me as I am trying to make a purchase myself. I am finding that there is not a perfect mobile device (cell phone, smart phone, or pda). It just does not exist, and I have tried a lot of different devices. For me, the Treo 650 came close to combining everything I need into one device. However, the screen size, absence of WiFi, and other quirks kept it from being the perfect mobile device for me.

I have even considered the perfect mobile solution, which would consist of multiple devices. Considering multiple devices is equally frustrating as it adds so many other issues into the mix such as recharging them all or carrying them all. It just seems cumbersome and time consuming to buy and to manage multiple devices.

Even though it seems to be a myth, I am still hopeful that I will find my perfect mobile device.

One Device or Two Devices

I just sold my Unlocked GSM Palm Treo 650 since my company agreed to buy me a Cingular GSM Palm Treo 650. Now, I not so sure I want to go back to a converged device. Don’t get me wrong, I love the Treo 650. However, I missed having two separate devices.

Before the Palm Treo 650, I used a Sony Ericsson T616 cell phone paired with a Palm Tungsten T5. I liked the large screen of my Tungsten T5. Plus, I felt more comfortable letting them borrow my Sony Ericsson T616 than I did not letting him/her borrow my Treo 650.

At the same time, I did enjoy having only one device to carry with me. Connecting to the Internet was a lot easier with the Treo 650, and I was able to connect anywhere through Cingular’s data service. This made retreiving email a breeze no matter where I was.

As you can tell, I have put some thought into it. However, I might be missing some good points on either side of the discussion, so I ask, “One device or two?”

Marching to a Different Beat

Hello! Welcome to MobiBeat.com!

As you may or may not know, I run a web site called PalmFocus.com. I take it pretty seriously as I really want to help others get more get the most out of their device without taking all the time I have used in getting things to work.

However, I realize that I put myself through a lot of unnecessary stress in keeping PalmFocus.com up and going. With MobiBeat.com, I hope to give a more relaxed perspective on mobile technology without adding a lot of pressure on me or you to keep up with everything going on in the mobile world.

With that said, feel free to share your thoughts and opinions on anything mentioned here at MobiBeat.com. Relax and make yourself at home.